November 10, 2023

What is Starknet? A Deep Dive into StarkWare's Layer 2 Solution

Blockchain technology has seen tremendous growth and innovation in recent years, with Ethereum emerging as one of the leading platforms for decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts. However, the success of Ethereum has also brought to light some of its inherent limitations, including high transaction fees, network congestion, and slower confirmation times. In response to these challenges, companies like StarkWare have developed Layer 2 scaling solutions, such as StarkNet, to address these issues and unlock the full potential of blockchain technology. In this article, we will take a deep dive into StarkNet, exploring its features, benefits, and the impact it could have on the blockchain ecosystem.

Understanding StarkNet

StarkNet is a Layer 2 scaling solution developed by StarkWare, a company dedicated to advancing scalability solutions for blockchains. StarkWare is known for its innovative use of Zero-Knowledge (ZK) technology, and StarkNet leverages their expertise to enhance the scalability and performance of the Ethereum ecosystem, in particular. Let's explore the key components and features that make StarkNet stand out:

1. Layer 2 Scaling Solution

StarkNet is classified as a Layer 2 scaling solution. This means it operates on top of the Ethereum blockchain, which is often referred to as Layer 1. The primary purpose of Layer 2 solutions is to alleviate the congestion on Layer 1 and improve the overall efficiency and performance of the network. StarkNet does this by providing a secondary layer for processing transactions and smart contracts, which significantly reduces the computational load on the Ethereum network.

2. Zero-Knowledge (ZK) Rollup Technology

A cornerstone of StarkNet's architecture is its use of Zero-Knowledge (ZK) Rollup technology. ZK-Rollup solutions bundle multiple transactions together into a single cryptographic proof, which is then submitted to the Ethereum blockchain. This approach dramatically decreases the computational resources required for verifying transactions, ultimately resulting in faster confirmation times and lower transaction fees.

3. EVM Compatibility

Ethereum developers and users can rest easy with StarkNet, as it is fully compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This means that existing Ethereum applications, smart contracts, and DApps can be ported to StarkNet with minimal modifications. It ensures a smooth transition for developers and users who are already familiar with the Ethereum ecosystem.

4. The Power of STARK Technology

At the heart of StarkNet is StarkWare's proprietary STARK (Scalable Transparent Argument of Knowledge) technology. STARKs are cryptographic proofs that enable efficient verification of data and computations without revealing sensitive information. These STARK proofs are used to verify the validity of transactions and smart contracts on StarkNet, ensuring both security and scalability. The use of STARK technology makes StarkNet a robust and secure platform.

5. Decentralization and Security

One of the key principles StarkNet adheres to is decentralization and security. StarkNet achieves this by anchoring its data to the Ethereum mainnet, which means that the most critical data is secured by Ethereum's well-established consensus mechanism. This hybrid approach strikes a balance between the scalability benefits offered by StarkNet and the security and decentralization properties of the Ethereum mainnet.

6. Gas Fee Reduction

Perhaps one of the most enticing aspects of StarkNet for Ethereum users is the significant reduction in gas fees. Gas fees have been a major concern on the Ethereum network due to its congestion and high demand. By offloading transactions and computations to the StarkNet layer, users can experience a substantial reduction in transaction costs. This makes interacting with DApps and smart contracts more cost-effective, thereby enhancing the overall user experience on the platform.

7. Rollup Architecture

StarkNet employs a rollup architecture, bundling multiple transactions and smart contract interactions together off-chain before submitting them as a single proof to the Ethereum blockchain. This approach boosts the network's throughput and reduces the computational load on the Ethereum mainnet. Rollup solutions have gained popularity as they offer a balance between scalability and security.

The Potential Impact of StarkNet

The development and implementation of StarkNet have the potential to revolutionize the Ethereum ecosystem and blockchain technology as a whole. Let's take a closer look at the potential impact of StarkNet:

1. Scalability and User Experience

By significantly increasing the transaction throughput and reducing gas fees, StarkNet can greatly enhance the user experience on the Ethereum platform. DApps and smart contracts can operate more efficiently, making it more accessible and cost-effective for users to interact with blockchain applications.

2. Decongesting the Ethereum Network

Ethereum's mainnet has faced congestion issues, leading to high gas fees and slower confirmation times. StarkNet acts as a relief valve, helping to decongest the Ethereum network by offloading a substantial portion of the transaction load to the secondary layer. This not only reduces the strain on Ethereum but also enhances its overall reliability and stability.

3. Adoption and Development

StarkNet's EVM compatibility and ease of transitioning existing Ethereum applications make it an attractive solution for developers. As the ecosystem continues to evolve, we can expect more DApps and smart contracts to migrate to StarkNet, leading to increased adoption and innovation in the blockchain space.

4. Enhanced Security

The integration of StarkWare's STARK technology ensures that StarkNet doesn't compromise on security while offering scalability. Users can have confidence in the integrity of their transactions and smart contracts, knowing that the cryptographic proofs used are robust and trustworthy.

5. Reducing Barriers to Entry

Lower gas fees and faster confirmation times make blockchain technology more accessible to a broader audience. This could lead to a more diverse and inclusive ecosystem as the barriers to entry are reduced, allowing users from various backgrounds to participate in the blockchain revolution.

In conclusion, StarkNet is a promising Layer 2 scaling solution that has the potential to address some of the most pressing issues facing the Ethereum network. It offers a path towards enhanced scalability, reduced transaction costs, and improved user experiences while maintaining the security and decentralization that are crucial for blockchain technology. As the blockchain ecosystem continues to evolve, StarkNet's impact is likely to be felt across the industry, empowering developers and users alike to unlock the full potential of decentralized applications and smart contracts on the Ethereum platform. While blockchain technology is constantly evolving, StarkNet represents a significant step forward in addressing the challenges of scalability and performance on the Ethereum network.

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November 09, 2023

How to Set Up Starknet Development Environment

Setting up a StarkNet development environment involves several steps, including installing the necessary tools, configuring your environment, and getting familiar with the StarkNet development ecosystem. Below is a general guide to help you set up your StarkNet development environment:

1. Install Prerequisites:

Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine.

- Node.js and npm: Install Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) on your system. You can download and install them from the official Node.js website: Node.js.

- Yarn: Yarn is a package manager for Node.js. Install it globally using npm with the following command:

npm install -g yarn

 - Python: StarkNet requires Python. Install Python from the official Python website: Python.

2. Install StarkWare Developer Kit (DevKit):

StarkWare provides a Developer Kit (DevKit) that includes tools and resources for developing on StarkNet. Install the StarkWare DevKit by following the instructions provided in the official repository: StarkWare DevKit

git clone

cd starknet-dev

yarn install

3. Configure Your Environment:

After installing the StarkWare DevKit, configure your environment by setting up the StarkNet CLI and other tools:

cd starknet-dev/cli

yarn install

yarn start

4. Set Up StarkNet Accounts:

To interact with StarkNet, you need an Ethereum account for Layer 1 transactions and a StarkNet account for Layer 2 transactions. Follow the steps below:

Ethereum Account:

Create or import an Ethereum account using a wallet like MetaMask.

Ensure your Ethereum account has some ETH to cover transaction fees on the Ethereum mainnet.

StarkNet Account:

Use the StarkWare CLI to create a StarkNet account:

starknet account create

Fund your StarkNet account with some STARK tokens for gas fees on StarkNet.

5. Learn Cairo Language:

StarkNet uses the Cairo programming language for smart contract development. Familiarize yourself with Cairo by referring to the official documentation and examples: Cairo Documentation

6. Write and Deploy Your Smart Contracts:

Now that your development environment is set up, you can start writing and deploying smart contracts on StarkNet. Use the Cairo compiler to compile your code, and deploy your contracts using the StarkWare CLI.

7. Explore StarkNet-Compatible Wallets:

StarkNet-compatible wallets, such as MetaMask with StarkWare support, can be used to interact with DApps and deploy smart contracts on StarkNet. Ensure that your wallet is configured to connect to the StarkNet network.

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How to Bridge, Swap, and Send Crypto on Starknet

StarkNet was still in its early stages, and certain functionalities such as bridges and swapping mechanisms might not have been as widely developed or documented as on the Ethereum mainnet. However, it's important to note that the blockchain space is highly dynamic, and new solutions and tools are constantly being developed. To bridge, swap, and send crypto on StarkNet, you would generally follow similar principles to what you would do on other Layer 2 solutions or blockchains. Here's a general guide on how you can bridge, swap, and send crypto on a Layer 2 network like StarkNet:

Bridge Your Assets to StarkNet:

Identify a Bridge: Find a trusted bridge or a Layer 1 to Layer 2 gateway that supports StarkNet. A bridge is a service that allows you to move assets from the Ethereum mainnet (Layer 1) to StarkNet (Layer 2). You can chose one of starknet bridge on the list :

Layerswap :

Orbiter Finance :

StarkGate :

Owlto Finance :

Comoco :

Connect Your Wallet: Access the bridge interface and connect your Ethereum-compatible wallet, such as MetaMask, to the bridge.

Choose Assets: Select the assets (e.g., ETH or ERC-20 tokens) you want to bridge to StarkNet.

Initiate the Bridge: Follow the instructions provided by the bridge to initiate the bridging process. This typically involves approving the transfer and confirming the transaction on the Ethereum mainnet.

Swap Assets on StarkNet:

Identify a StarkNet-Compatible Exchange: Find a decentralized exchange (DEX) or swapping platform that operates on StarkNet. DApps on StarkNet can offer swapping services just like on Ethereum. You can chose one of starknet defi on the list :

10KSwap :


Fibrous Finance :

JediSwap :

MySwap :

zkLend : 

Connect Your StarkNet Wallet: Access the DEX's interface and connect your StarkNet-compatible wallet to the exchange.

Select the Assets: Choose the assets you want to swap. For instance, if you have bridged ETH to StarkNet, you can swap it for other tokens.

Complete the Swap: Follow the instructions provided by the DEX to complete the swap. Ensure you have enough gas fees on StarkNet to process the transaction.

Send Crypto on StarkNet:

Access Your StarkNet Wallet: Open your StarkNet-compatible wallet.

Select 'Send' or 'Transfer': Find the option to send or transfer crypto within your wallet.

Enter Recipient Address: Input the recipient's StarkNet address. This will look different from an Ethereum address and should be compatible with StarkNet.

Specify Amount and Asset: Choose the amount and the asset you want to send.

Confirm and Send: Review the details and confirm the transaction. Make sure you have enough gas fees (typically paid in StarkNet's native token) to process the transaction.

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Popular dApps, Service and Wallet on the Starknet Ecosystem

The StarkNet ecosystem is an expanding and dynamic environment that centers around StarkWare's Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, known as StarkNet. StarkWare is dedicated to advancing blockchain scalability solutions, and StarkNet is their flagship product, designed to improve the Ethereum ecosystem. The StarkNet ecosystem includes various components, participants, and use cases, all aimed at enhancing scalability, security, and usability within the blockchain space. Here's an overview of some dApps StarkNet ecosystem:

1. 10KSwap

10KSwap(, being built on StarkNet, is an AMM protocol that advances with Ethereum. 10K aims to revolutionize the performance of the AMM protocol by leveraging the rollup feature, bringing lower fees, less friction, and ultimately better liquidity to the L2 world and advance DeFi adoption.

10KSwap is the first open source AMM deployed on StarkNet Mainnet. We trust Ethereum and StarkNet, which represents the most advanced rollup trend. With its unique Cairo-VM giving developers a new development option, higher TPS and a computational cost that can be ignored. We believe AMM will be the most direct beneficiary of these two features.

2. Argent X

First Starknet wallet to interact with tokens and NFTs. Manage your identities with "Sign in with Starknet" (very soon ™️), and enjoy the best of defi. Made with ❤️ by the Argent team.

3. Starkgate

StarkGate is the Ethereum↔Starknet token bridge developed by StarkWare.


AVNU is a decentralized exchange protocol designed to offer the best execution. Our mission is to build the Liquidity Infrastructure that aims to empower traders and dApps with the best execution. We believe that the only way to serve our customers is to secure the most competitive prices for them, as well as access to the broadest range of assets while providing an exceptional user experience that sets the industry standard.

5. Fibrous Finance

Gathers all AMMs of Starknet at one place.

6. Braavos

First and only Starknet wallet on mobile, Android & iOS. Use all your favorite Starknet dApps on the go! Also available for chrome, Firefox and Edge. All in one assets management - DeFi and NFTs

7. Starknet ID

One profile, Connected to all the Starknet Ecosystem. Create your Starknet Profile by claiming your stark domain and start using it everywhere in the ecosystem.

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First thing you should know about Starknet and Tutorial create Starknet Wallet

Starting with StarkNet involves a few steps, and it's primarily aimed at developers looking to build or migrate decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts onto the StarkNet platform. Here's a high-level guide to help you get started with StarkNet:

1. Understand Starknet Basic:
Before you dive into StarkNet, it's essential to have a solid understanding of what it is and how it works. Review the key features and components of StarkNet, as mentioned in the previous responses. Familiarize yourself with concepts like Zero-Knowledge Rollup, STARK technology, and how StarkNet integrates with the Ethereum network.

2. Set Up Development Environment:
To start developing on StarkNet, you'll need to set up your development environment. Here are some essential tools and resources you'll need:
- Solidity:
If you're already familiar with Ethereum development, you'll likely be using the Solidity programming language to write your smart contracts. Ensure you have a working knowledge of Solidity.
- StarkWare's Cairo Language:
StarkNet uses StarkWare's Cairo language for writing smart contracts. You'll need to learn Cairo or work with developers who are proficient in it. StarkWare provides documentation and resources to help you get started with Cairo.
- StarkWare Developer Kit: 
Visit the StarkWare website to access the StarkWare Developer Kit (DevKit). The DevKit includes the tools and documentation necessary for developing on StarkNet.

3. Learn Cairo:
As mentioned, StarkNet uses the Cairo language for developing smart contracts. Cairo is different from Solidity, and you'll need to learn it to build applications on StarkNet. StarkWare provides resources and documentation to help you get started with Cairo.

4. Set Up StarkNet Development Environment:
To start developing and deploying smart contracts on StarkNet, you'll need to set up a development environment specifically for StarkNet. The StarkWare DevKit includes tools for this purpose. Follow the installation and configuration instructions provided in the DevKit.

5. Write and Deploy Smart Contracts:
With your development environment set up and Cairo knowledge in hand, you can start writing smart contracts for StarkNet. Use the Cairo compiler to compile your code, and then deploy it to the StarkNet network. The StarkWare documentation should guide you through this process.

6. Testing and Debugging:
Like any development process, it's crucial to thoroughly test and debug your smart contracts on StarkNet. Use the provided tools and resources to ensure your code functions as expected.

7. Interact with Starknet
Once your DApp or smart contract is deployed, you can interact with it on StarkNet just as you would with Ethereum. Users can access your DApp through compatible wallets and browsers that support StarkNet. Be sure to provide clear instructions for users to access your application.

8. Documentation and Community Support:
As you work with StarkNet, you might encounter questions or challenges. Utilize StarkWare's official documentation and community resources, including forums and developer chat channels, to seek help, share experiences, and stay updated on any changes or improvements to the platform.

9. Stay Updated:
The blockchain space is constantly evolving, and StarkNet is no exception. Stay updated with the latest developments, updates, and best practices related to StarkNet to ensure your DApp or smart contract remains secure and efficient.

Getting started with StarkNet can be a rewarding endeavor, especially if you're looking to leverage its scalability and cost-efficiency benefits. While the initial learning curve may be steep, the potential for more efficient and accessible decentralized applications makes the effort worthwhile.

Tutorial Create Starknet Wallet Using Argent X

To create a StarkNet wallet using Argent X, you would typically follow the steps below, but please note that the exact process may vary, and it's crucial to refer to the latest documentation provided by Argent and StarkWare:

Argent X Wallet : Download

1. Install Argent X:
If Argent X has added support for StarkNet, start by installing the Argent X wallet on your mobile device. You can typically find it in your device's app store.

2. Create or Restore Your Argent X Wallet:
Upon installing the app, you can either create a new Argent X wallet or restore an existing one if you have a recovery phrase. Follow the app's instructions for wallet creation or restoration.

3. Add StarkNet Network:

If Argent X has integrated with StarkNet, there should be an option to add the StarkNet network to your wallet, similar to adding custom networks in other Ethereum wallets. This option may be found in your wallet settings or network settings.

Network Name: Enter "StarkNet" or any name you prefer.
RPC URL: You'll need to obtain the StarkNet RPC URL from the official StarkWare documentation or relevant sources.
Chain ID: Enter the appropriate chain ID for StarkNet. Be sure to verify this information from the official sources.

4. Transfer Funds:
To interact with StarkNet, you would transfer Ethereum (ETH) or tokens compatible with StarkNet from your Ethereum wallet to your StarkNet wallet within Argent X. Ensure you've selected the StarkNet network when making the transfer.

5. Interact with StarkNet:
Once your funds are on StarkNet, you can interact with StarkNet-compatible DApps or smart contracts using Argent X, just as you would with your Ethereum wallet.

6. Mint, See and Send NFT:
you can interact with any NFT on Starknet Blockchain such as Mint NFT, See NFT and Send NFT to other wallet.

Please keep in mind that wallet integrations may have evolved since my last knowledge update. For the most accurate and up-to-date information on creating a StarkNet wallet using Argent X, I recommend checking the official websites, documentation, and support channels for both Argent and StarkWare. Additionally, exercise caution and ensure that you're using a trusted and secure wallet for managing your cryptocurrencies and assets.

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April 27, 2017

Soundtrack Terbaik Shingeki No Kyojin / Attack On Titan

Bekal Kami - Hallo gimana kabar kalian sobat Bekal Kami, setelah kemarin saya mengalami masa - masa tegang dimana pengumuman snmptn dan ternyata lolos, kali ini saya bakal lanjut nulis lagi kebetulan akhir-akhir ini Attack On Titan Season 2 lagi booming setelah 4 tahun menunggu nih wkwk dan juga sudah banyak karakter - karakter nya yang mati yaa, kayak captain mike prajurit terkuat setelah levi, squad nya si levi, squad nya nanaba, marco , dan masih banyak lagi. Selian itu juga tiap - tiap adegan Attack On Titan pasti diselingi soundtrack yang beneran keren. Soundtrack Terbaik Shingeki No Kyojin / Attack On Titan. Nah mau tau soundtrack nya apa aja ? Oke silahkan di simak ya.

Baca Juga Siapakah Orang Tua Dari Metal Lee ?

1. Reluctant Heroes

Nah dimulai dari lagu favorit saya, soundtrack ini biasanya diputar saat scene captain levi. Tapi disini yang saya share versi coveran nya bukan yang original nya, sebenarnya keduanya bagus yang versi original lagu nya terkesan epic dan yang versi coveran ini terkesan sedih. Tapi coba kalian dengerin dan bandingin sendiri yaa :D

2. Bauklötze

Asing sama judulnya? iya saya juga kok, ini bahasa Jerman gan termasuk lirik nya juga emang rata - rata anime Attack On Titan walau dibuat dan di produser di Jepang tapi cerita nya sangat berkiblat ke negaa Jerman. Dan Soundtrack ini biasanya diputar biasanya saat scene akhir - akhir sebelum episode nya bersambung wkwk coba aja dengerin.

3. Vogel Im Käfig

Nah soundtrack ini engga kalah sedih nya sama yang pertama, soundtrack ini diputar saat sebelum penyerangan titan dan di beberapa scene saat dalam kondisi tegang atau damai.

4. Attack On Titan

Soundtrack ini benaran epic, biasa nya diputer pas lagi klimaks nya, bisa juga pas pertarungan antar titan, dan saat Eren berubah menjadi titan seperti scene saat Eren yang hampir mati melawan Annie lalu berubah dan muncul efek petir kuning ditambah lagu ini wah beneran epic, coba kalian tonton lagi ya :v

5. Call Your Name

Soundtrack yang satu ini sulit untuk di deskripsikan saking keren nya kayaknya hhe, kalo engga percaya coba kalian dengerin sampai habis deh. 

Sekian artikel saya kali ini semoga bermanfaat bagi kalian. Kalau ada yang ingin ditanyakan silahkan tinggalkan komentar dibawah.

Terima Kasih Telah Membaca Soundtrack Terbaik Shingeki No Kyojin / Attack On Titan